Improving Your Home Landscaping

4 Great Vegetables To Plant Early This Spring

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If you want to grow vegetables in a garden this year, you are going to have to pace when you plant your vegetables in order to ensure that they grow. Here are four different vegetables that you can plant early this spring in order to get a start on your garden. You can pick up starts or seeds of these vegetables at your local nursery. #1 Snow Peas Snow peas are great to plant in the spring because they can take up to two months to reach maturity depending on the specific variety that you plant. Read More»

Different Solutions to Correct Problems with Cracked Concrete & a Settling Building

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The foundation of your building is probably settling in the soil it was built on, unless you have solid bedrock close to the surface of the soil. In most cases, settling happens gradually and will not cause too much of a problem. Sometimes, cracks may develop in concrete, brick and other structural elements of your building. The cracks may be cosmetic, or they may be more serious and lead to structural problems that need to be repaired. Read More»

Water, Water Everywhere -- 3 Tips For Improving The Drainage In Your Front Yard

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If you suffer from poor drainage in your front yard, you’re probably tired of dealing with a soggy lawn and unsightly puddles around your hardscaping. But, how can you fix the problem so that your front yard is a joy instead of a chore during the wintry season? Here are 3 tips for any size drainage problem. Improve the Slope. Whether it’s the lawn itself or the hardscaping (like the paver driveways or walkways) that fills with water, managing the slope can vastly improve the situation. Read More»

How To Tell If You Should Have A Dying Tree Removed

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If you have a sick or damaged tree in your yard, you may be wondering if you should have it removed. In some cases, it’s best to have the tree cut down so it doesn’t fall on your house or your neighbor’s property. Other times though, a dying tree can last for several years as long as you have the time and money to invest in caring for it. Here’s how to tell if it’s best to call a tree removal service to take the tree out of your yard. Read More»

Drip Irrigation Systems Can Help Homeowners Who Don't Notice Droughts

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In the country’s farming past, droughts were often felt by the entire population. These days, careful water control has made droughts easier for people in America to handle. In fact, homeowners may not even notice these droughts occurring or how they are impacting their plants and trees. However, ignoring droughts is a new problem. Here is how drip irrigation systems can help with this problem. Why People Ignore Droughts What causes a drought to occur in an area? Read More»