Improving Your Home Landscaping

Are You Getting Ready For Your Summer Landscaping?

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As you visit friends, do you see that they have already completed their landscaping? Maybe you have had other obligations and you simply haven’t gotten to your landscape plans yet. Don’t fret. There’s still plenty of time to establish a beautiful garden. From arranging for lawn fertilization services to planning what you will plant, here are some ideas that might help you. Lawn Fertilization Services - A beautifully maintained lawn is probably the focus of every garden, isn’t it? Read More»

What To Expect When You Have Asphalt Sealcoating Applied To Your Commercial Property

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Your commercial property may be beautifully landscaped, but if the asphalt driveway and parking area are faded and cracked, your property will look worn out and neglected. Fortunately, you can restore the appearance of the asphalt with sealcoating. Here’s what to expect with commercial sealcoating. You May Need Alternate Parking Arrangements Cars need to stay off of the area while sealcoating is underway and for a day or two after. The asphalt may be ready for use by the next day, but the weather plays a role in how quickly the sealcoat dries. Read More»

Natural Backyard Flea And Tick Control

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Nobody wants to deal with the annoyance–and potential danger–of fleas and ticks. When outdoors or hiking, it’s important to protect yourself by using a bug repellent, tucking pant legs into your socks, avoiding long grass, and doing a thorough tick check when you get back inside. However, it’s difficult to take these steps every time you go in your backyard. Instead, use natural flea and tick control that will keep fleas and ticks from entering your yard in the first place. Read More»

3 Things To Consider About Hardscaping

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When it comes to your home’s outdoor space, hardscaping is just as important as landscaping. Hardscaping refers to any “hard” surfaces that are incorporated into your landscape. Some examples include stone or paved walkways, patios, and other elements. Hardscaping can add both function and beauty to your outdoor area. While you will likely want to add a few hardscaping elements to your home’s landscape, there are a few things that you should consider. Read More»

In A Tight Spot—Trends In Small Vegetable Gardening

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There was a time not so long ago when vegetable gardens were kind of like the ugly stepsister of flower gardens. Flowers were proudly displayed all around the front of the house while the vegetables were relegated to a patch of ground somewhere in the back yard. Nowadays, vegetables are enjoying a much more positive reputation as people become more conscious of healthy living and growing their own vegetables has become a popular trend. Read More»