Improving Your Home Landscaping

3 Benefits Of Using Brick For Your Patio

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When you have a backyard, you may decide that you want to expand out and add some outdoor living space to your yard. One of the things that you can do to do that is to add in a patio. If you are going to use a patio, there are several materials that you can choose from. One of the materials you can choose from is brick. There are a lot of benefits to using brick for your patio. Read More»

Reasons To Keep Your Commercial Property Leaf-Free In Autumn

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Autumn leaves are gorgeous on the tree or when fluttering down to the ground, but after a few days, they stop being beautiful and become a nuisance. After a few more days, they may even become a liability, particularly on a commercial property where they can harm clients and staff. The following are the main reasons why fallen leaves must be cleaned up. Pedestrian Safety Safety is of paramount importance at any business, but innocuous-seeming leaves can undermine safety. Read More»

4 Things You Should Know About Installing Sprinklers

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Whether you are planning to do the job yourself or get a pro to handle it, there are a handful of issues that will determine how well a sprinkler installation effort will turn out. You’ll want to take a look at four things to figure out before starting a sprinkler system installation. Coverage Purchase some graph paper. Also, get the measurements for the area where you want the water to go. Read More»

How to Revamp an Old Patio

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There’s no need to tear out and replace an old paver patio. With a little bit of elbow grease, you can revamp that old patio so that the pavers almost look like new again. Here’s how. Clean the Joints Over time the sand in the joints between pavers can weaken or wash away. When this happens, weeds may begin to encroach. Not only does this look bad, eventually these weeds will force the pavers apart so that they crack or become uneven. Read More»

3 Steps For A Beautiful Landscape This Year

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Do you have a yard that is in a less than ideal condition? Are you wanting to make it the talk of the neighborhood this year? The unfortunate reality is that not everyone has a green thumb. When you have a busy schedule, it can be hard to make sure that your grass, trees, and shrubs are able to do as well as they possibly can. Thankfully, there are some things that just about anyone can do to make the exterior of their home look the way that they’ve always dreamed of. Read More»