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5 Maintenance Tips For Artificial Turf Lawns

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Artificial turf lawns aren't completely without maintenance, but they don't require the time-intensive and back-breaking labor of maintaining real grass. A few simple tasks are all that is needed to maintain a green and realistic artificial lawn.

1. Remove Leaves

Autumn probably requires the most hands-on maintenance of any season when it comes to an artificial turf lawn. Prompt removal of the leaves before they begin to break down into small pieces is ideal, so you may need to remove leaves once or twice weekly during the peak period of leaf drop. The simplest tool for achieving this is the humble leaf blower, as it allows you to move the leaves into a pile for easy removal without damaging the turf.

2. Sweep Debris

A lot of different types of debris can collect on artificial turf. Mud can be tracked onto the lawn, or you may notice issues with blown-in pollen coating the turf. Sand sometimes comes up to the surface from the base beneath the turf as well. Pet messes and spills are another issue. Sweep dry debris off the lawn every week or as needed. Wet debris, such as pet waste, must be scooped off the lawn and then the site must be rinsed thoroughly to clean it.

3. Rinse as Needed

Regular rinsing is a must for a good-looking artificial lawn. You can do this with a hose and spray attachment -- simply spray down the lawn every week or so from spring through fall and whenever it is warm enough to do so in winter. Rinsing removes dust and soil that can't be simply swept off. If smells are an issue, such as from pet use, then have the lawn periodically professionally treated with an enzyme cleaner.

4. Brush Regularly

One of the problems that age artificial lawns quickly is when the lawn develops flat spots from frequent walking and use. The good news is this problem is completely avoidable. You can use a brush-style broom to brush the lawn and restore its nap so it looks like natural, upright grass. Frequency varies depending on how heavily you use your lawn, but brushing every few weeks is probably sufficient.

5. Eliminate Weeds

The final major enemy of artificial turf is weeds, which can eventually penetrate the turf and destroy it. Monthly weed treatments during the growing season are a must if there is any concern about weeds encroaching on the lawn. You can apply these treatments yourself or have them done by professionals.

Contact an artificial turf maintenance service to learn more.
