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Tips For Designing Your Property's Landscaping

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The quality of a property's yard is a key determining attribute for the value and attractiveness of the real estate. Yet, creating and maintaining an attractive yard is a task that can be elusive for many people. In order to make you as prepared and informed as possible to care for your landscaping, you should be appreciative of several basic landscaping guidelines.

Avoid Overcrowding Your Plants

When you are considering where you will place your plants, you should be extremely careful to avoid overcrowding. If you make the mistake of placing your plants too close together, you can greatly inhibit their ability to grow and thrive. This results from a couple of different factors. One of the more difficult to notice will be the roots become entangled and competing for nutrients. Also, the plants may shade each other, which can limit the amount of sunshine that they receive. For those that will be purchasing their own plants, it is important to closely review the planting instructions as it will clearly indicate the spacing requirements for the plant. While some of these spacing requirements may seem excessive, following them can greatly reduce the risk of root problems arising.

Be Mindful Of The Risks Of Excessive Pruning And Topping

Pruning and topping your plants can be a great way of keeping them thick and healthy as it will greatly influence the rate of growth. However, individuals that are new to landscaping will often make the mistake of excessively pruning and topping their plants. When this occurs, the plant may experience major health problems. For example, excessive pruning can deprive the plant of sufficient amounts of sunlight. Also, pruning and topping can both expose the plant to developing various types of infections. Avoiding these potential hazards can be done by simply leaving pruning and topping to professional landscape design services as they will be better equipped to determine whether or not a plant is needing either of these types of maintenance done to them.

Consider The Environmental Impacts Of Your Landscaping

It can be tempting for homeowners to overlook the potential environmental ramifications that their landscaping can cause. However, it is important to be aware of the water usage that will be needed to maintain your property as well as the lawn care chemicals that may be applied. You can help to avoid choosing plants that will need harmful chemicals or excessive water by limiting yourself to hardy plants that thrive in relatively arid climates.
